💲Generate Revenue

Flipsuite provides a variety of tools to generate revenue in your Discord Server.


  • The CoinFlip Module creates a coin/token flipping room where users have a chance to double their money.

  • A variable fee structure can be set by the project to earn a small percentage of each flip.

  • Projects can apply to have their own on-chain tokens included as a flip option.

Role Shop

  • The Shop can be used to create a paywall within your Discord for high value information like trading Alpha, high stakes games, raffles, or airdrops.

  • Users purchase a Discord Role for a set amount of time.

  • Projects can set the price of the roles and the coins/tokens used for purchase.

Sales Rewards / Rebates

  • Use the Sales Tracking tools to monitor your NFT sales.

  • Set up a Sales Reward for users who buy your NFT.

  • Advertise your rewards to drive NFT sales.

  • If you are short on money for rewards, farm $GONE in the $GONE Discord and other servers. There are plenty of memecoins and utility tokens in the sea!

Last updated