1ī¸âƒŖSetting up BattleGround

Setup Guide

Before you do anything...

Make sure you've completed the necessary steps:

🧱Setting up FlipSuite Modules

Role settings

In Server Settings > Roles, make sure FlipSuite is dragged above any roles you want to be used as either automated bounty or winner rewards.

If you miss this step, roles will not be automatically distributed to winners.

Setting up BattleGround channels

In your Discord server, create a channel for the BattleGround arena. Because arenas can be automated, you may want to create multiple channels. You may use existing channels as well - it's up to you.

Each arena channel will need a few permissions, as laid out below.

Setting necessary permissions

Depending on how your Discord server is set up, you may need all of the following permissions enabled in the arena channel(s).

Some servers have shown to require more permissions than others, and this may depend on how your channel/category is configured and the security in place for your Discord server.

View Channel ✅

Send Messages ✅

Embed Links ✅

Mention @everyone, @here, and All Roles ✅

Read Message History ✅

We also recommend allowing at least some member roles to send messages and use FlipSuite commands in arena channels, as this will let them check their status during battle and set bounties. Don't forget to enable slow mode to keep spam at a minimum.

Last updated