3ī¸âƒŖRunning a BattleGround Arena

Team settings

You can set which Discord roles or users you would like to be able to run a Battleground arena in a specific channel. Use: /bg-perms to add, view, and remove to set or remove roles and users for a channel.

Start on command

To run an arena that will start on command, go to the channel and use: /bg-arena host

When you are ready to start the arena. Use: /bg-arena start

or cancel with: /bg-arena cancel

Start after a set time

To run an arena that will start after a set amount of time, go to the channel and use: /bg-arena host countdown:3 min-players:5

This example will begin after 3 minutes have passed AND 5 players have joined. After the countdown the arena will wait until the required min-players have joined to start.

Cancel with: /bg-arena cancel

Start on number of players

To run an arena that will start once a minimum number of players have joined, go to the channel and use: /bg-arena host countdown:1 min-players:25 start-on-min-players:True

This example will begin after 25 players have joined. Note that the countdown variable is ignored and that the shield counter will need to reach 26 to start, as the initial shield reaction is created by the bot.

Cancel with: /bg-arena cancel

Automating arenas

Set time and min-player arenas can be set to automatically run again after they finish.

To run an automated arena that will start after a set amount of time, go to the channel and use: /bg-arena host countdown:5 min-players:10 automated:True ping:@everyone

This example will start after 5 minutes AND 10 players have joined. It will also send a ping to @everyone that the arena is ready. Once the arena battle finishes it will ping @everyone and begin the countdown again. To run an automated arena that will start after on a minimum number of players, go to the channel and use: /bg-arena host countdown:1 min-players:15 start-on-min-players:True automated:True ping:@everyone

This example will begin after 15 players have joined. It will also send a ping to @everyone that the arena is ready. Once the arena battle finishes it will ping @everyone and wait for the minimum number of players to join.

Cancel with: /bg-arena cancel

This feature works really well with Automating Rewards.

Last updated