Terms of Service

FlipSuite terms of service

FlipSuite TOS

By inviting FlipSuite to your discord server or logging into our website (https://dashboard.flipguard.xyz/) you agree that you have read, understood, and accepted these terms. You are also responsible for informing the members in your discord server about these terms. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from using or adding any version of FlipSuite to your server.


You are strictly prohibited to use FlipSuite against the ToS of Discord or for illegal purposes. We are doing our best to prevent these activities, while trying to provide the best user experience as possible. If you find people or communities using FlipSuite against the ToS of Discord or even for illegal activities, please send us an email to contact (at) flipguard (dot) xyz.

Proprietary Rights

We (FlipSuite Bot or more specifically FlipGuard) own and retain all rights for public available data (including but not limited to our code repositories). We grant you the permission to use this available data for your own needs, but strictly disallow any commercial use. You therefore shall not sell, license or otherwise commercialize the data except if the permission was expressly granted to you.


FlipSuite is provided as-is. There are no guarantees that it will be available in the future, and its purpose or availability may be changed at any time. User related data including backups may be deleted at any time. User related data including backups is non-transferable between discord accounts. Any premium features are not guaranteed. They may change or be revoked at any time. Access to all or specific features of FlipSuite may be revoked, for all or a specific user, at any time.


In order to access and use the FlipSuite services, you agree to create an account with us. During this process we automatically collect some information from your discord ID. Hence, we create a FlipSuite Wallet for you tied to your Discord ID. You agree that You will not use any wallet other than your own, or access the wallet of any other user at any time, or assist others in obtaining unauthorized access. All information You provide to us during wallet creation will be treated in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which you are required to read also. You are responsible for any activity that occurs with your account credentials so you are required to keep your account credentials secure and out of reach from third-party users.


A third party may request a token to be supported by FlipSuite services at a lump sum cost of $750 USD or the $MATIC equivalent. FlipGuard is under no obligation to accept the request. Once a third party’s token is accepted into FlipSuite’s system, it will be usable across all modules. If the third party token has no Dex or Cex volume for a 6 month period or drops below a 10% margin of the token's ATH tx volume, the third party will have 30 days to reach out to FlipGuard with a written request to continue support of the token. Flipguard will review this request and respond in writing with a time extension or notification that the token will be removed.

Gas Fees

To deposit and/or withdraw Crypto Assets via the FlipSuite wallet , you agree to pay a transaction fee (a "Network Fee") for every transaction that occurs on the network. The Network Fee funds the network of computers that run the decentralized network. This means that you will need to pay a Network Fee for each transaction.

We do not provide refunds for any transaction that you might make on or through the FlipSuite Platform – whether for FlipSuite or anything else. You will be solely responsible to pay any and all sales, use, value-added, and other taxes, gas fees, and assessments (except taxes on our net income) now or hereafter claimed or imposed by any governmental authority associated with your use of the FlipSuite Software, except for income taxes levied on us as a result of such using FlipSuite.

Assumption of Risks

Any deposit or withdrawal transaction you make, you accept will be entirely at your risk. You acknowledge that you have obtained sufficient information to make an informed decision to transact a Crypto Asset, including carefully reviewing the code of the smart contract for assets we support and fully understand and accept the functions of the same. Certain parts of the FlipSuite site may display, include, or make available content, data, information, applications, or materials from third parties ("Third Party Materials").

Last updated